10 Supplements Even Recreational Athletes Can Take

Following diets of professional athletes, recreational athletes and generally active people tend to take many supplements they don’t really need. If you are not sure what supplements you can take, here are 10 that are suitable for even recreational athletes. Note, of course, that you don’t need to be taking all 10 of these, but just the ones you think you need the most. 

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an amazing supplement that can help you with the prevention of muscle injuries. Even people who are very active usually spend most of their time indoors and don’t get enough vitamin D by being exposed to the sun (not to mention that too much sun exposure isn’t good anyway). Therefore, to protect your muscles, it might be a good idea to start taking vitamin D. 


Fish oil is amazing for many different things – it can help with eye health, anxiety, as well as protect your heart. They are overall a great addition to any diet because eating fish every day isn’t realistic. If you have fish allergies, try algae supplements.


Even though caffeine is not actually a supplement, you should try and incorporate it into your day as it has many benefits for the brain. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you need to be drinking five cups of strongest coffee every day – one is just enough. 

Protein powder

For anyone who works out even once in a while, protein powders are a great addition to your diet. Using protein powders you make sure that you get enough protein in a day so that your muscles can repair themselves and grow after a workout. 


If you want to build muscle, creatine should be something to look into. It helps with your strength so that you have the best possible outcome of your training. 


Another supplement that can help you with your muscles, as well as hormones, is magnesium. It is very difficult to determine one’s levels of magnesium in the body even with blood tests, so by taking this supplement you make sure that you are not in deficit. 


If you are dealing with anemia, or you have a vegetarian or vegan diet, incorporating iron into it is a must. An iron deficit can mean that your oxygen does not get transported properly to all the necessary places in the body, which can cause numerous issues such as fatigue. 


If your gut health isn’t good, you can take all the supplements in the world, but they won’t get absorbed properly. By using probiotics you make sure that you get the most out of your food as well as the supplements you take. 


A stressful lifestyle and poor sleeping habits can take a toll on a person. To make sure that you are in your top shape, both physically and mentally, you can try ashwagandha, which is an herb that helps with stress and anxiety as well as insomnia. 


If you train a lot, you might need gelatin to help you with joint repair and other smaller injuries. For any serious injuries, you should visit a doctor.